68,000 Excuses Not To Blog
or I Fell Into An Orphan Black Hole.
I haven’t blogged in about 2 weeks and I’m going to do better in June and post every day. Promise. Or your money back.
I am going to place the blame of that post hole on actually buying (at the exorbitant cost of $1.99) that silly little Orphan Black game. Before I bought it I thought there were only six levels, AKA worlds, to complete because that was how many walk-thrus someone had posted on the internet. But the game itself actually has 10 worlds consisting of either 8 or 9 rooms to navigate successfully to advance on to the next.
And even though the game gives you plenty of decent hints if you ask, I still used the walk-thrus to help me finish up those first 6 levels. Worlds 7 through 10 were all on hints and trial and error and I was really happy to finally wrap up Room 9 of World 10 the other night.
But I was gifted with 4 extra rooms along with some sort of flying demon, that in room two I just can’t seem to get by using the hints and trial and error. I’m going to have to go ‘old school’ and print out the level map and start counting squares or something.
Somewhere during Donna’s errands on Tuesday the Sonata passed the 68,000 mile mark.