A Near Perfect Day in Santa Fe

  1. A Dunkin’ regular medium hot coffee and a home baked chocolate croissant to go with my cereal for breakfast.
  2. A revisit of a classic TV movie – Jesse Stone:Sea Change
  3. Another great call on lunch from Sally. Cafe Fina where we both chose ‘One for David’ with a half salad 1 and she had water and I thoroughly enjoyed a bottle of Dr. Pepper made with real cane sugar.
  4. A couple hours of chilling (chatting, reading, web surfing) before off to the gym at the Genoveva Chavez Community Center.
  5. 30 minutes on the exercycle. And because I haven’t used one in 30 years, only 5 minutes on a rowing machine. 2
  6. A sensible dinner of a chicken salad sandwich and a half an apple.
  7. A revisit of another classic TV movie – Jesse Stone:Thin Ice, number 5 of 9 in the series.
  8. An hour of chilling (chatting, reading, web surfing) before off to bed.

Why was it only a near perfect day? Because it was a low of 19 on my way to Dunkin’ and still only in the low 30s in the afternoon.

  1. panko crusted fried fish sandwich with house made tartar sauce, tomato and romaine lettuce on a brioche bun
  2. I’m thinking I need to get one because I’m not working the upper body at all on the home exercycle