Last Friday when I went downstairs to swap the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer I was surprised to see the Soak light lit. When I opened the lid the clothes were swimming in a round plastic pond. Wow, that’s different from our usual plague of out of balance wet clothes in one half of the tub. But I tried the same fix, i.e.. the Drain and Spin cycle. Knowing that it takes 5-10 minutes, I headed back upstairs.
When I returned downstairs, the clothes were a little wetter than they should have been, but at least the water was gone. But because I didn’t know when in the cycle the washer had quit before so that maybe it never made it to the rinse part, we decide to start over, I added some soap and ran the typical wash cycle.
After the usual hour wait, back downstairs I went. The Soak light was lit and the tub was full of water again. Crap. Ran the Drain & Spin cycle again. Same results as before water gone, but clothes overly wet. So I got a big lawn & leaf plastic bag to line our clothes hamper so that we could run to a local laundromat to do the load there. Later that day I ordered a new washing machine. We really shouldn’t have been surprised.
I came close to calling in a repairman to look at it back in February and then in May I actually order a new one, but cancelled it at the last minute because it started working correctly again. Knowing our new washing machine’s arrival date yesterday I unhooked the old one and when I slid it out from it’s home, underneath, was quite a lot of small bits of plastic that looked a little like chopped up licorice. I dragged the broken washer into the garage and when I looked at the bottom of the machine I couldn’t tell where that black stuff was coming from, whatever, this thing was going to the dump.
The new washing machine arrived today and after 2 full loads it still works just like it should.