Lensday Wednesday Memory - Some old 72 pin SIMMs I have had hanging around for years just waiting for an inspiration on what to do with them. At first I thought I'd arrange 12 of them as spokes for a clock, but I have done the computer bits into clock thing to death. Well at least they came in handy for this challenge. (08/10/2005)Electric - This is a slightly different crop of a photo I posted last October, but not submitted to any meme, called Electrical. Guess what I cropped? (07/13/2005)Independence - The Emperor likes to assert his independence by parking far out in the lot away from all the other automobiles. And he succeeds as well as any car, surrounded by an 8-foot high chain link fence with strands of barbed wire on top, can. (06/29/2005)Yellow - Subtitled "Have A Nice Day." On a road trip to Asheville a couple three years back we stumbled on this bit of Roadside America on a two-lane state highway in North Carolina. Someone had quite a few rocks and a lot of yellow paint lying around extra. (05/25/2005)Dark - The 1st generation Miatas, IMHO, don't look good in dark colors, but sometimes, like this 1995 Merlot Mica, in certain situations they don't look half bad... (05/18/2005)Metal - A bundle hex brass waits on a rack in our metal warehouse until it is needs in the machining area where it will be turned in bonnets. No, not hats, but the bottom part of the solenoid assembly on an ASCO valve. (05/04/2005)Unexpected - Pepsi anyone? I was totally unexpected to find this drink machine in the middle of the parking lot outside the Aiken Regional Medical Center. (04/27/2005)Self Portrait - That is me on the left. Next to me is Donna and next to her is another cycling fan who thinks like us. One of our favorite vantage points when watching bike races is to find a parking garage as near to the finish as we can. Then instead of elbowing for curb space we just get 3 or 4 stories above the action. (04/20/2005)Diversity - OK, its a stretch, but here is my entry for Diversity. Not so long ago, when I was growing up, these jockey lawn "ornaments" were always painted to resemble African Americans, nowadays they are more diversified. (03/30/2005)Posed - One of our managers just returned from a trip to China and brought Donna back a small gift of these little dolls that are posed as if kissing. He went on to explain that the dolls are left in a very prominent place in the home. They normally are left in the kissing pose unless one partner is upset with the other. Then that person's doll is faced away from the other. This is a gentle way of letting the other partner apologize for whatever misdeed they have committed. Sounds quaint, but a quick search of the Internet turns up no evidence of this fable or these dolls. I wonder if I should bust them open and see what kind of contraband he smuggled into this country... (03/23/2005)