A while back Mark asked me if I had seen a movie called “Saving Grace” about an English widow who grows marijuana to pay off her debts. I said yeah, but after reading the blurb on Netflix it didn’t sound that familiar, so I dumped in the queue.
The movie arrived in the mail yesterday and when I opened the envelope I though to myself, ‘maybe we have seen this.’ Then I remembered that if we had rented it from Netflix I could find out, I could check my movie spreadsheet and we had seen it, back in April of 2001. It didn’t have a DNF (did not finish) next to it, meaning we must have somewhat enjoyed it, so we watched it again today. And we watched it all the through this time too. An enjoyable comedy that only falls apart at the very end.
So Mark, thanks for the recommendation and because of that, I have granted your request of yesterday.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 89
now thats better