I’ve changed the background…again. The tartan was kinda cool, but I wanted something a little more in keeping with my current obsession (I’d call this blog that, but Rick beat me to it) Mad Men, so I opted for something from my old pal Jen at Pixel Decor. She has a ton of 50s – 60s backgrounds for personal wallpaper use. For web site use you need permission. Last time I asked she replied (and I may be paraphrasing here), “For your personal blog, of course, feel free.”
I’m assuming that would still stand today, if not, let me know Jen, and I’ll cease and desist. Also if you think it an aberration for to me to grayscale one of the mono chunky patterns and reducing it in size by 25%, yell at me, I can probably take it.
Roger Sterling: I bet there were people in the Bible, walking around complaining about kids today.
Don Draper: Kids today, they?ve got no one to look up to. ?Cause they?re looking up to us.
I have also started to separate my inane and somewhat pointless TDTVS episode recaps into their own posts so the whole episode title equals post title thing will make more sense when I start witting about my real world as opposed to J.J. Abrams’ made up one.
We rode the tandem to work today, so the Emperor stayed in the castle all day. The Royal Dentist visited and the vampire teeth came out until next October.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 18
Sorry, I barely notice the background. A few blogs have dark colors and others have the background under the text. I hate those. Other than that, it just fades into the… well… background 🙂
There are plenty of other good
perfumenames out there. You can use one of these: Chanel, Eternity, White Diamonds, Christian Dior, or Old Spice.