1. Several years ago, I had a Pontiac 6000 that behaved badly on low-octane fuel. I tried high octane and mid-octane and both seemed to do well.

    Then I got scientific (some might call it anal). I calculated the miles per dollar. Basically take MPG and divide by the cost. I found that I got better miles/dollar with mid-grade than with low or high.

  2. I spoke too soon, the surge was back today, though somewhat subdued. Still no knock or sub par acceleration. I will probably just go back to premium on the next tankful, but I am curious as to see if there is any noticeable drop in mileage.

  3. In order to really be sure, you’ll have to test it a few tank-fulls to get a good measurement. Too many variables, like time spent idling, how full you fill the tank, etc.

    I did tests in my pickup with tailgate up vs tailgate down. I read reports both ways, some swore better up, some better down. All with scientific evidence to back up the story. My results, no appreciable difference.

    It would be interesting to know…

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