One of my favorite things I have going on the ol’ blog here is the “On This Date” widget over there in the right column. It is kind of fun to look back at what I wrote about back in the random years it, but it also shows that some of my best writing seems to have been done in the past…sigh.
On Monday while I was proofreading my latest Sports, Off-Road, Touring dream garage I noticed a post from 2008 with the headline Juror #6… and thought, “Wow, that’s a coincidence.” What did that have to do with lusting after unobtainable cars you ask? Nothing, but earlier that day I had spent an hour in the Klamath County Circuit Court Building doing juror orientation.
For County Circuit Court in Oregon you are selected as a juror and serve for a period of one month. You get assigned a number at random and then when there is a case requiring a jury they select a group from a block of the several hundred numbered people to show up.
I have a fairly high number, so if there aren’t that many court cases between now and February 4th I may not even get called. But if I do, it will be an interesting break from my current mostly empty retirement schedule. I just hope that they don’t find out about my stint on a jury in the Aiken City court back in 2015 and figure that seeing as I have experience they make me Jury Foreman.