Donna and I are on our way to CT for the weekend and in order to avoid changing planes anywhere we drove up to Charlotte, NC to catch a plane. We got here early just to be sure (having never flown out of here before) that we could find our way alright. On top of that our flight scheduled to leave at 9.55pm has been delayed at least an hour. It is coming in from San Francisco and must have taken a wrong turn in Albuquerque.
We have spent the last couple of hours sitting at various spots in the airport watching the people go by. Boy, you can tell we don’t get out much by the way we are amazed at how many different shapes and sizes there are.
Watching is fun, but listening is even more entertaining. Seems as if 75% of the people in the airport have a cell phone and they are all using them. My favorite are still the bluetooth earbud user who look like they are talking to themselves.
Miata Top Transitions since 01/01/06: 363
My boss has those earbuds and he looks like a nut when he’s using em 🙂