Miata didn’t move at all today – kinda like a Sunday, but only it is Saturday. Drove to Columbia to run an errand and made it a family affair by taking along Mom and using Mom’s MSV. While we were there we made it a mission to eat our favorite Capitol City institution, Maurice’s Barbecue. Rained most of the afternoon and evening so we stayed inside and watched movies.
Started down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/02/02: 175
You are so stupid to be supporting that man because his beliefs are so stupid to black people everywhere. He says that blackpeople should be glad to be enslaved and brought to america. Cause i’m black and my people didn’t need to be beaten for me to come to america!!! WE COULD HAVE COME HERE ON OUR OWN!!! and europeans came to america for freedom of everything so how can you think that black people wouldn’t!!! YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!
Maybe you should take a big look at yourself. SO why ARE YOU SUPPORTING HIM? maybe your a sick person i hope not we need more supporting people in the US