The contractor did some work at our place today. The (nearly) last of the handles went on cabinets, they sanded and smoothed out the sheet rock to old wall joints and the under cabinet lights went up.
Our counter top install is scheduled for this coming Friday morning. Last Friday they measured and yesterday they called to ask how many holes we needed for our faucet. The answer was one. After Donna and my afternoon walk I had a voice mail on my phone from the counter top people, “Please call me I think I may have given you the wrong invoice. We may have charged you for the wrong sink.”
Our first quote from them was for a Large Single Bowl, 30 1/4″ x 18 3/16″ x 10″. We decided that that size sink was big enough for bathing babies or medium sized dogs. As we have neither and all Donna really wanted was a sink big enough to soak an 18″ cookie tray, we asked them to quote a Medium Single Bowl, 16 Gauge, 23 1/4″ x 18″ x 9″ one. When I told the woman that we wanted the medium bowl and had an invoice to that effect, she said she had ordered a large sink.
My first thought was, which I voiced to her, “Have they started cutting the granite yet?” My second thought was, which I kept to myself, Donna is going to has a fit, we will be cancelling this order and we will just have some plywood counter tops with a 5 gallon bucket as a sink and the garden hose through the window for a faucet. She told me, “They’re still cutting Thursday’s job,” and that she would see if she could get a medium sink.
An hour passed, I still hadn’t heard back and with that second thought looking more likely, I called back. “Oh,” she said, “I didn’t think I needed to call you back. We get our sinks overnighted from Atlanta. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”