Kinda chillier than we thought this morning for a top down ride, but once we got going we just rolled up the windows and turned on the heat.
Came home and put the better aluminum bit in for the hazard and barndoor toggles. I also readjusted the radio mounting to center it in the opening so I could put the trimmed bezel on. Better, but I have to move the radio out a little further so the bezel will click into the HU, it is held in place with double stick tape for now. I’ll work on that when I get the AWD A/C panel in and have the dash apart again. While I was at it I swapped the MGW shift knob for the Voodoo again. The spun look had faded again, so I toke it to work to chuck up in the lathe when I noticed to blast-all in the corner of the tool room, hmmmm. I bead blasted that sucker. When I got home I sprayed it with a couple of coats of semi-gloss clear lacquer – I like it. Maybe I’ll do it to the vent rings….
Started down, still down.
Top Transitions since 02/01/02: 75