I guess I set myself up for this one. Way back in the late 80’s when the internet was young, my favorite past time was to view other folk’s web pages. Find an ISP and look at all the local people’s sites. Some were lame, some were good and others were awe inspiring. I could waste hours a night surfing home pages.
Flash forward to the 00’s (?) and today’s new home page is the blog. Go to the Blogger home page and there on the left are recently updated blogs and blogs of note. Click one and it leads to more, which lead to more and the next thing I know it is time for bed. how I got there last night I don’t remember, but I started reading Sean’s Daily Drivel and for whatever reason it captivated me.This guy was writing about ordinary events like most, but he was incomplete. He kept refering to Kelly in the past tense. I read further and further back and then there it was, February 25th would have been his wife, Kelly’s, birthday and this was the one month anniversay of her death! Just 6 weeks ago Sean is another happy-go-lucky 25 year old, married for about 6-1/2 years and today he is a widower. Wife got sick on a Saturday with what they thought were kidney stones and by Monday she was gone, a victim of a blood infection.
That wasn’t what I bargined for while reading blogs. Damn, I’ve been bummed all day thinking about that. One day things are cool and like 48 hours later your world is rocked, big-time. Hang in there Sean, I hope the blogging helps ya. It sure opened my eyes.