Didn’t we just go through this? I thought we left snow behind in Louisiana, today while at the gym it started snowing, by the time we got back to Casa de Sally it had started to stick. Snow here in Santa Fe is more of a regular event than in Louisiana and the 1″ or so that fell here is a no big thing.
Later on in the afternoon I said, “I’m going to get an aspirin, my back feels a little tight. Probably from using the rowing machine.” Her response was, “Why don’t you try and stretch it out?” And probably for the second or third time I’ve said to her in the last three and a half weeks, “I don’t believe in it, Have you ever seen a lion stretch before taking down a gazelle?” I figure it was probably time to let her knew what I was referencing:
This led me down the Zombieland memory lane, as I remember being pretty fixated on the movie back when it first came on DVD. One post that was unearthed references the movie this way; “All and all, it would have been preferable to have watched Zombieland than Easy A, but Donna couldn’t sit through the gory parts of MNFMTMWHS.”
What that acronym means is lost to history, because I used to have a plugin for this blog that would show you the meaning of what those letters were, but it was never updated to work on newer versions WordPress. My best guess as to what the first 5 letters are is My New Favorite Movie That. What the MWHS part is, no clue.