Today’s movie was my annual tradition of watching the 1973 Jesus Christ Superstar. The first song in the movie is “Heaven on Their Minds” song by Judas Iscaroit while he sits on a rock watching what’s going on.
When I saw the framing this it reminded me of a scene in another movie I watched earlier this week, The Martian, with Mark Whatney sitting alone looking out over the Martian landscape. Do you think he has heaven on his mind?
I like this movie enough that it could become an annual tradition too, if I only had a date to hang it on. Wait a minute, I just Googled ‘Mars Day’ which led to a page on that says that ancient Babylonians considered Tuesday as Mars Day. It also links the month of March to the red planet too. And I may have actually watched the movie this past Tuesday. Now I’ll just need someone to remind me on a Tuesday next March.