As sort of an Instagram tradition, everyone posts a collage of their nine highest liked posts from the previous year. Anyone who is anyone on IG seems to use the same app, Best Nine. I know this, because this year, unlike last, you had to wait for the results to be emailed to you.
When they did send it to me, it had the amount of likes each photo received superimposed in the image and I didn’t really care for that. Not because my largest like total was a paltry 117, which is good for me, but I wanted the images clean like 2019’s.
I went looking for a different, less popular, and lower rates app to use that might let me those clean images I so desired. I found one called Best 91 that let me get close to what I wanted. The grid was fine, but I needed to edit the total stats off the bottom to make the image square. As a bonus, this app let me also create my best Nine for the previous two other years as well. Below, from left to right, 2018, 2019 &2020.
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Below are those statistics that were chopped off to make nice neat squares. In 2018 I made a total of 287 posts, the total likes on all those posts were 1.1k or an average of 3 per post. In 2019 total posts were 312, total likes were 2.2k making for an average of 7 per post. In 2020 total posts were 378 with total likes of 4.8k creating an average of 12 per post.