I can not explain it, but out of all the Christmas decorations around my neighborhood (big, small, gaudy, tasteful) this, for some unknown reason is my favorite.
When I voiced this sentiment to my bride a couple weeks ago, she said, “See how much they cost.” I replied, ” I bet those folks have had that for awhile and you probably can’t find it anymore.”
She did a quick search and didn’t find, so I tried “10 foot tall inflatable penguin”, and found it at Home Depot for $79. We both agreed that that was too much.
I told her I’d check for after Christmas deals and see if it is half price. I looked on Sunday morning and sure enough it was marked down to $35, but it was sold out online and no store around had them either.
This not a disappoinment at all, as while I really like it, I don’t want one of my own for a few reasons.
1) Our front yard is just a small sloping patch and this thing would overwhelm it.
2) Can’t go in the driveway because there wouldn’t be any way to anchor it down.
3) If we put it on the front deck you wouldn’t see the bottom half of it because of the railing.
And most importantly
4) The house this one stands in front of is only 4 blocks up the street and it would violate the neighborhood IPDA (Inflatable Penguin Density Allowance.)