Once More Into The Breech
This is the eighth year that Moss Motors has been doing the Motoring Challenge and this is our 7th year doing it. It is also our last, not because we don’t want to do it anymore, but because they are going to stop running it.
Because of the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders we figured we would just wait to start the Challenge once Oregon started easing up on restrictions. But Monday we noticed one challenge that we would have missed out on if we waited any longer, Trees in Bloom. It has been spring here for a couple of weeks and a lot of the trees are already dropping their blossoms for leaves, fortunately whatever kind of trees are, they held out for us.
Well, doing the challenge is sort of like eating Lays Potato Chips, you just can’t eat one, so we went back out today and grabbed a couple more local ones. I hope the Governor understands that driving around with the top down on a nice spring day to do the Motoring Challenge is essential business…
- YMCA: This is where we used to go 3 to 5 days a week to swim or workout until the COVID-19 pandemic made them shutter the joint. We hope that we can start to go back sometime in the near future. (03/29/20)
- Pet Shop: This is the only Pet Shop in our fair city. (03/29/20)
- Donut Shop: We would have liked to try some donuts from here, but because we like to actually see a selection of tasty morsels before picking one out and now it is drive thru only now, it is on the list for a post COVID-19 visit. (03/29/20)