The past few days have felt a lot like fall around here, especially in the mornings. Average high/low for this date is 84/62 and it was 81/55, 82/50, 86/57 on Thursday, Friday & today. But next week we are supposed be back to the low 90s/mid 60s.
We took advantage of today’s cool morning to take a walk in Hitchcock Woods for the first time since February. Yesterday and today is the Foundations “Festival of the Woods” where they have guest speakers and organized educational walking tours. We have gone a couple times in the past, but today we were intentionally about two hours early and just walked in to the Horse Show Ring (where the event is centered) and turned around and came back.
We didn’t bring the GPSr with us, so I quick like downloaded an app for the phone called Sportactive that can GPS track a loop. It is good for running, cycling and anything that includes motion that you would like to time. According to this we went 3.549 miles in an hour and a half (you can pause the timer when you stop, but I never did.)