Thursday was the Masters Miata Club February Dinner Meeting and because they were meeting at a restaurant we like and haven’t been to in a dog’s age, we went. Also factoring in was the weather, for once in a quite a while we caught a day when the temperatures were actually above normal, so we could ride with the top down. For an appetizer, we took a couple of motoring challenge photos on the way over and for dessert, we grabbed one, on the way home.
- Unusual Mailbox:As befitting Aiken County’s being the home of wintering thoroughbred horses and many equine activities, this mailbox is perfectly unexpected, but for some reason this is the only one we’ve seen like it around. (2/1/18)
- Fire Station: This building was built in 1913 and was the first fire station in Augusta, GA to house the newfangled motorized fire trucks. It remained in continuous service for 90 years. Ten years later on the building’s 100th anniversary there was a push to turn it into a museum, but it was never totally realized. (2/1/18)
- Neon Sign:This photo covers all the bases. The neon forms the letters in the words Miller and it’s embellishments while underneath the marquee itself is made of thousands of LEDs. The area under the marquee is illuminated by florescent lights and the Miata uses regular ol’ incandescent. (2/1/18)