Back during the 2015 Motoring Challenge there was a requirement to “get” 15 counties and I decided that I would get all 15 of the same name. Washington, with 26 states having a county by that name, got the nod. If you look at the image above, Donna and I drove through a large swath of the country’s southeast and midwest missing only three states. Our home state of South Carolina doesn’t have a Washington County and neither does West Virginia. North Carolina’s was way too far east to get to on our loop.
Guess what county we drove through today? Right. Washington County North Carolina. We don’t need counties this year, but there is a category of Heroes or Villains that General George Washington fits into, so we took a photo.
Only three photos today for three points. Mr. Washington and Bill Gates for the Heroes and Villains column and Plymouth for the Around the World one.
- Heroes and Villains 06 – George Washington: During the 2015 Motoring Challenge there was a requirement to “get” 15 counties and I decided that I would get all 15 of the same name. If you start with Pennsylvania, go west to Missouri, south to Louisiana, east to Florida and north back to Pennsylvania that encompasses 18 states. South Carolina and West Virginia don’t have Washington Counties, North Carolina does, but it was too far east to get on our loop that year. This year we were that far east, so… (9/26/17)
- Heroes and Villains 07 – Bill Gates: Hero to geeks everywhere (and now the world’s poor through philanthropy) and a villain to PC users everywhere when the Blue Screen of Death appears. (9/26/17)
- Around the World 07 – Plymouth: The Pilgrim Fathers left for the New World in 1620 from the town of Plymouth, Devon County, England. They landed at a rock near what today is Plymouth, Massachusetts. This is Plymouth, North Carolina. Some pilgrims moved south after a couple of really cold winters up north and became the first snowbirds. (9/26/17)