Tomorrow is the last dose of the second course of steroids and I handled it real well over vacation and the first day at work, but for some reason, reason ran off the rails today and continues unabated into the weeds tonight.
I am not allowed to change this pattern! I’ve just spent the last 3 hours playing around with various patterns for the garage floor tiles. Any number of checkerboards, stripes, diagonals and at least twice randomly selecting colors then randomly selecting squares…
The right hand side is 2-wide carpet tile aisle that interlocks with the regular tiles (it is there because that is the path by the car to the laundry room.) The other 2-wide outside areas are the regular coin tiles in Graphite which is similar in color to the carpet. The center section is 4 x 4 checkerboard squares of Alloy & Royal Blue grated flow tiles for drainage.