Twice a year the MMC has a Planning Meeting to fill up the Club Calendar. There are 2 standard events held each month, a dinner meeting on the first Thursday and a breakfast on the third Saturday. Most of the time the Club President spends the better part of the meeting trying to elicit volunteers to host the standard events and to pick the destination spot. Occasionally there are other random planned events by members, but the number of events that are brought to the meeting already partially formed are rare and the ones that are fully planned out rarer still.
In my duties as Web Guy for the MMC I am called to post the events on the Club Calendar for most everyone. The people who know how to post are rare and of those that do know how, and do, are rarer still. So what usually happens I get a copy of the meeting minutes a date and a name and that is it. In the past I have inserted a stock sentence along the lines of, “Come out and join your fellow Club members for breakfast/dinner and a meeting/drive.”
The other day when entering a breakfast event I wanted a little something different, so I thought, “Why not use some Lorem Ipsum instead. So I Googled it and the resulting page had the link to the Wikipedia page defining it, a few links to Lorem Ipsum generators and further down the page something called Bacon Ipsum, so you know where I went. The event description was a short paragraph of Latin words mixed with words for meat.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison sausage est short loin beef. Ipsum turducken quis tail turkey deserunt. Tempor in deserunt fugiat in irure veniam in cillum laborum dolor incididunt ullamco kielbasa. Consequat pork belly turkey porchetta, pig prosciutto kevin non pariatur lorem ground round rump pork loin.
Well, it turns out the fine folks behind Bacon Ipsom have a WordPress plug-in entitled Any Ipsom which allows you to create your own themed Ipsom Generator, so you know what I did. Behold, Miata Ipsum!
Miata ipsum dolor amet et adipisicing consequat dolore speeding in. Slow car fast minim zoom, dragon shocks excepteur nostrud sunt. Exercitation irure dipstick aliquip duis. Adipisicing cas speeding torsen barndoor shifter shocks eyeball vents swaybar rspeed mollit titanium na top down. Cupidatat touring duis nc lorem club ex proident, miata titanium gopro aliquip esse sint.