- Log Cabin: This sits just down the hill from the Aiken County Museum, right next to a little red one-room school house that might have come in for a destination a couple years ago if we knew it was here. (2/4/17)
- Natures Giants – Hitchcock Woods: The first bit of the sign reads: “Hitchcock Woods, one of the largest urban forests in the United States, is an area consolidated between 1891 and 1898 by Celestine Eustis, Thomas Hitchcock, and William Whitney.” We are listing this as Nature’s Giant at the insistence of my wife. I thought it should be a Giant Human Creation because the forest was always here and man is the one who surrounded it by urban. Is it nature or nurture? The age old question. (2/4/17)
- Dance Studio: Now that I am home looking at this picture I realized I should have stood over on the left and tried to emulate the dancer’s pose of the sign…(2/4/17)
- Synagogue: We drive by a dozen Baptist churches regularly. The two Presbyterian ones we see quite often and the one Catholic church in town has a nice Chocolate Festival we go to that supports their school, but never really knew that we had our very own synagogue here in town until we needed a picture of one. (2/4/17)
- Train Station: A re imagined reconstruction of the train station that existed near this site back at the turn of the century. They built it with half donations and half public funds with the promise of increased tourism dollars. It houses a small museum and acts as the city’s “Welcome Center” all the while perhaps losing money on just the electricity needed to keep the lights on. (2/4/17)
- DMV: The local SCDMV office. (2/4/17)
- Solar Array: A local Heating and Plumbing place will gladly hook you up with your very own solar panels. (2/4/17)
- Observatory: The University of South Carolina Aiken has their very own Observatory. It houses a 16 inch, Meade LX-200GPS, Schmidt-Cassegrain, catadiaptric telescope that is open to the public. (2/4/17)
- Planetarium: In the same building as the observatory at the University of South Carolina Aiken they also have a planetarium that holds two shows every Saturday night. (2/4/17)
- Bail Bonds Office: Before they finished building the new Aiken County Detention Center bail bonds merchants were setting up shop right across the street. This is the nicest looking of the bunch. (2/4/17)
- Bait Shop: The Herring Hut is a staple of the South Carolina side of Lake Thurmond for all your fishing needs. (2/4/17)
- Dam: The J. Strom Thurmond Dam (or as it is still defiantly called in Clarks Hill Dam) on the Savannah River. We almost used this spot for Location Filmed for a Movie in 2015 as it was used in The Hunger Games, but it is literally a blink and you miss it moment. (2/417)
- Giant Human Creations 02 – Thurmond Lake: Thurmond Lake is the largest Corps of Engineers lake east of the Mississippi River. The lake encompasses 1,200 miles of shoreline, 70,000 acres of water and 80,000 acres of land. (2/4/17)
- Windmill: Totally decorational windmill in front of a subdivision over in Evans, GA. (2/4/17)