Car Name? (Part III)
The weather has been kind of mild for the last couple weeks around here, but last Wednesday on the way home from our monthly haircut I decided to turn on the A/C in the CTBNL. The light came on in the button, but in the whole 15 minute drive home the temperature being blown out of the vents never cooled below the 95° outside air.
When we got home I popped the hood and cycled the on/off switch and the compressor never kicked on and the A/C fan on the radiator never started up. Then I noticed something out of place, well, something missing, the cap was gone off one of the A/C lines. Did this have anything to do with it?
The A/C worked when we bought the car. I’m sure of it because when the compressor came on it caused a bit of belt squeal. As a matter of fact I never could get rid of the that squeal so that eventually I took the car to the Automotive Workbench and paid $50 to have them fix it. Hey, they were working in this area tightening belts, did they knock off the cap and cause this no A/C issue? Probably not, so back the CTBNL goes to the fellows at Automotive Workbench.
I get the call, no freon in the system. They have to recharge the system and add some dye so that whatever leak the car has can be located. A hundred fifty dollars later and there is now very cold air coming from the vents. I have to take it back in about a week and see if they can look for the problem.
It took four days to get the windshield right, we are on our 4th attempt at getting mats to look the way we’d like, the whole silver paint on the bumper fiasco, the Grom Audio box to play MP3s is cutting out on hot days and it just seems like every little simple mod, previously easily done on past Miatas, are a struggle. Both Donna and I are starting to think this car is cursed.
Maybe it is trying to tell us its name. This is a Japanese car, so I fire up the trusty Google Translator and discover that cursed is Norowa Remashita (no row ah – re mawsh ta). That is too much of a mouthful, so I try a couple synonyms. Jinxed comes back as Tsuitemasen (soot e ma sen), OK but still a little much. The next two are a little better though, bewitched translares to Mewaku (me wha koo) and bedeviled is Nayama (nay yah ma). Mmmm, both of those would fit on a personalized plate…