This is slightly tangential to the naming of the silver Miata…
Here at the Valve Store we use Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) to run parts from the stockroom to the assembly lines in certain cases. Our first set of AGVs were about the size of a large Radio Flyer Red Wagon and it followed a 2″ wide metallic piece of tape laid out in loops in the aisles around the shop floor. These worked pretty good except it kept the Maintenance Department busy replacing the gaps in the tape from the wear and tear of foot and forklift traffic. Because humans need to anthropomorphize their mechanical underlings, these two AGVs were named Bubba and Bubbette.
They have decided to upgrade our AVGs to a more modern system. These babies are the size of a forklift and use an optical system that bounces a rotating beam off of reflective tubes stationed at intervals along the walls surrounding the assembly floor. The Stockroom Supervisor opened up the floor to submitting names for the new AGVs. She got 70 different pairs of names for consideration.
Hansel | Gretel
Jack | Jill
Bonnie | Clyde
Rox | Roland
Nubub | Nubet
Abot1 | Abot2
Mork | Mindy
Yogi | BooBoo
Romeo | Juliet
Sonny | Cher
Ike | Tina
Superman | Superwoman
Thing 1 | Thing 2
Phineus | Ferb
Samson | Delila
Robi I | Robi II
Donald Duck | Daffy Duck
Sugar | Spice
Beyonce | Jay-z
David | Goliath
Gee | Gee
Thomas | Percy
Shaggy | Scooby
Spark | Rada
Fiona | Shrek
Scully | Emerson
Shake | Bake
Pencil | Paper
Mickey | Minnie
Adam | Eve
Dumb | Dumber
Sid | Alan I
Iron Man | Thor
Mr. Krabs | Pearl
Salt | Pepper
Norbit | Resprusha
Pebbles | Bam-Bam
Cookie | Lucious
Cookie | Cookie Monster
Edward | Bella
Beast | Belle
Godzilla | King Kong
Twiddle Dee | Twidle Dum
R2D2 | C3PO
Scully | Mulder
Cora | Mr. Brown
Beavis | Butt Head
Barnie | Thelma
Fred | Wilma
Dora | Diego
Batman | Robin
Bumble Bee | Optimus Prime
Walker | Texas Ranger
Larry | Larryetta
Bert | Ernie
Kermit | Miss Piggy
Lilo | Stitch
Beauty | The Beast
Elmo | Dorothy
Big Mac | Big John
Ash | Pikachu
Billy Bob | Myrlte Sue
GI | Go
Nemo | Dorrie
Fire | Ice
Thelma | Louise
A lot of pop culture references (my entry is bolded and Donna’s is italicized) with a sprinkling of two word puns and a few robot inspired names. Another good reason not to ask the general public to name something, by either Internet or Post-It note.
No Kirk and Spock? Disappointed!