Bonus 1 – Famous Work of Architecture: The definition of famous is in the eye of the beholder and Rainbow Row in Charleston, SC was being beheld by a half dozen Oriental tourists, including one standing in the middle of the street while his companions took photos.
The sharp eyed amongst you might have noticed that yesterdays info Moss Motoring Challenge line mentions 4 points and 270 miles, but there was only one photo and I mentioned its nearness to home. Well, that is because the Wilcox was on the way out of town on our way to Charleston, SC. One of this year’s Bonus Point opportunities is a photo that includes a famous work of architecture. While my first thought of Fallingwaters by Frank Lloyd Wright and even though our big trip was going right near there, you can’t get a car close to the house.
With the year winding down and the pressure on, we came up with the only real famous bit of architecture we could think of in South Carolina, Rainbow Row. Turns out it was harder that we thought to get a picture of me, sign, car and row house into a photograph. Oh well, hopefully our effort will be worth the two points…