Every month the Director of Operations has a Communications Meeting with each of the two “classes” of employees, Hourly & Salary, to field questions, concerns or suggestions. Each month there is some sort of randomized drawing to select 8 or 10 employees to act as representatives, who then solicit and/or receive questions for asking. This representative affords a slight sense of anonymity to the questioner, in cases of calling out perceived bone-headed decisions by the management team or whining about fellow employees.
This month is my turn as representative. I have gathered a few questions and with the meeting coming up tomorrow I sent out an email to my group this afternoon to remind them if they had anything, please get it to me.
From: Brian
To: Fab Eng Grp
Subj: Only 24 Hours Left to……get your questions to me for the Salaried Communications Meeting tomorrow. Got a question that only the Big Kahuna can answer, get it to me.
For total anonymity, snip out the letters to form the words from the ads in today’s paper, then glue them to a pristine piece of copy paper (using latex gloves of course) and place it in my mailbox up front. Or you could always just send me an email from a co-workers desk when they aren’t in their cubicle and have left without locking their screen. An easier option would be to print it in notepad, fold in half and drop it on my desk when no one is looking.
Best option would be to walk up to me and tell me what it is. Don’t worry your personal information is safe with me, unlike all those poor cheating souls who used AshleyMadison.com.