This is the view off the back deck of our home for the next week, Lake Bosworth with Mt. Pilachuck in the background.
Well, it wouldn’t be a complete trip for us unless we left something behind. Something somewhat essential, but realizing its absence at a point to far away from home to warrant turning around for. Partway to Atlanta we realized that the car GPS was not in the car we were in. It was home in the trunk of the Miata.
This way wasn’t too a big problem, we had a paper map of the state, plus the DeLorme map book and we could find our way to Scott’s in Granite Falls, but finding our cabin on the lake might be an issue. We did have the hand held GPS which we brought along in case we go hiking where there might be geocaches. I could plug the coords into that and use its turn by turn feature, but the screen is postage stamp sized compared to the car GPS.
We decided that if we could get an add-on GPS for the rental car for about $5 a day we would do it. We are members of the Emerald Club at National, so normally we just grab a car and go, but this time we stopped at the counter. I asked the lady how much and her answer was $16.95 a day! Yikes, you could buy a new one for that after 6 days. Donna asked if there was a weekly rate. That was sixty bucks, which was almost tempting. Then the counter agent remembered our Emerald Club membership and commenced to clicking to see what the Emerson discount might be. For us it would be $50 or a bit over seven dollars a day for rental period, so we took it.
Good thing too, because the hand held GPS wouldn’t have been any help, turns out all I loaded was the southeast US topo maps not the whole USA like I thought. Which is sort of almost like what I did our last trip out here.