What exactly constitutes Artistic Graffiti, I’ll leave that debate to the finer minds of the NY Times, for me it will be anything above a hastily painted gang marking on a stop sign.
I’m sure if we lived in a large city it would be easy to find something like that, but here in Our Fair (small) City it is really nowhere to be found. A search of the internet for “artistic graffiti Columbia”, the nearest decent sized town, resulted in nothing but mention of art shows with graffiti-like pieces for sale. Because we abhor going to the big cities of Charlotte or Atlanta there was no way we were going to make a pilgrimage there to drive aimlessly through their warehouse districts looking. This left happenstance.
And that is exactly what happened yesterday on our way home from the palindrome. We we zipping right along and had just passed over I-26 on SC210 heading to Bowman when we both noticed something bright blue off to the right. This prompted an immediate u-turn.
When GSV went through in May 2013, whatever the base of this wall was, was already gone, but it was unpainted…
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