Year: 2014
Last Friday when I asked my former boss and now a manager for another department how come he never wore a Hawaiian shirt on Fridays. He replied, “I was never invited.”
As the unofficial Valve Store(TM) Arts & Crafts Engineer I took this as a challenge being issued, so I got busy with some Google-fu, photoshopping and Microsoft Word work.
- Envelope
- Letter
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1394
44,000 Teary Eyed Fans
Tonight is the MLB All-Star Game and I considered tuning in just to see all 44,000 teary eyed fans at Target Field watching Derek Jeter’s final tip of the hat. But then I realized that Atlantic Broadband, in their continuing efforts to force a cable box on me, has removed the HD feed for FOX from my available channels, so I didn’t turn it on.
It wasn’t until the 4th inning that I realized I could watch it in HD using my MLB.TV package. This turned out to be a good thing as Jeter was already out of the game so I didn’t have to listen to the FOX announcers lavish praise on him. That reminds me, I have been lax in keeping up with’s fictional Derek Jeter Diary, The Captain’s Log.
I was also very lucky and missed the FRS’s “all-star” pitcher John Lester give up a single and two doubles, allowing two runs in his 2nd inning appearance.
The Purple Whale swam past the 44,000 mile mark on the way to DD this morning.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1391
Disappearing Hawaiian
When I posted that picture of three folks in Hawaiian shirts the other day I could have sworn that I had done it in the past somewhere, but a search of the site using the little search function in the left sidebar didn’t come up with anything, so…
Well, wouldn’t you know it, but a search for “Hawaiian” today still turns up nothing, even though I have posted two entries with the word Hawaiian in the title. Search for just the word “shirt” and the two recent posts show up along with a couple others, including one from 2006 with the picture. Search using Google for Hawaiian and they show up too.
On a whim I tried searching Life of Brian using an uncapitalized hawaiian and I got results. So I used the back button on the browser and noticed that the url for the empty search looked like this:
What is with the extra crap in there? No wonder there were no results.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1390
Friday Is Hawaiian Shirt Day II
August 2006 – from the left, Greg Morgan, Fabrication Engineer, me, Chris Green, Industrial Engineer
About 8 years ago I started to wear Hawaiian Shirts to work on Fridays, Probably right after I saw Office Space for the first time. I probably badgered all my co-workers to do the same, but could only get a couple others to do with any regularity. One day the 3 of us came in with similar hues shirts so I got someone to take our photo.
Greg stuck with it up until a few years ago when he left for a job in Quality at the Bomb Plant making a lot more money. I doubt he is is still wearing the Hawaiian shirts on Fridays. Chris quit them wearing about 2 years later when he moved over to a supervisory position in Assembly, then PIC. For the last month or so he has threatened to start back up again, today he did, wearing the very same shirt that he is wearing in the photo.
My collection of Hawaiian shirts started with two (now up to five), the one I’m wearing in the photo and an identical print in a salmon color, which I wore today. When I moved to the back of the plant a couple years ago I got the CNC Programmer (Hi Mark!) to join in the fun and he really got into it. I bet he’s got 10 or 12 Hawaiian shirts that he scours the thrift stores and flea markets for, rarely paying more than $5 bucks for one.
Friday Is Hawaiian Shirt Day
Where The Heck Are We?
When we got in the rental car to drive from SeaTac to Granite Falls we plugged in our GPS, and while we waited for it to realize we were on the other side of the continent, we used the old style analog version of in-car navigation, a paper map. We started out heading north on I-5, but got on I-405 hoping for lighter traffic. I don’t know if this was the absolute wrong choice, because we never found out if the regular I-5 came to a grinding halt after a couple miles like the 405 did, but it was definitely a wrong choice.
As traffic slowed Donna called out to get off the next exit, using the map she could see where we could head east and slightly south on WA-169. From there we could take various state roads heading north paralleling I-405 about 5-10 miles to the east of it. This worked pretty well until we got to Monroe where the road heading north towards Granite Falls was just a black line with no number attached. Here we would need the GPS’s help.
And here is where it failed us. While traveling state roads it was fine, but as soon as we got on a county level road all that was displayed was the car icon on a field of green with a somewhat helpful directional heading.
We knew our destination was north of us, so whenever we came to an intersection we would take the road that would be going north or northeast or minimally one that would head northwest. After 6 or 8 turns we could see a state road on the GPS’s upper horizon with a dot and the words Granite Falls, so we knew we were making progress. After another half dozen seemingly random turns we drove into town on the very street that Donna’s family live on.
Before we left to go Washington I had updated the maps on the Garmin Nuvi in preparation, so what could be wrong. So on Sunday there during a bit of down time I tried to figure out why the GPS was telling us we weren’t driving on a road. I could see city level streets in South Carolina and Texas, but not in Washington or Neveda. After some head scratching, internet searching and reloading of the maps I figured out the problem. Not enough onboard memory in the GPS to store the entire country.
Why during the initial loading, or the subsequent reloading, didn’t the GPS tell me that the entire City Navigator North America NT 2015.1 wouldn’t fit in the internal memory and wasn’t installed?
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1389