I was trying to take a picture of my just cleaned up front lawn through the kitchen window and the camera must have focused on a spec on the outside of the exterior pane. Looks kinda neat, almost like there is dust on your monitor.
We stayed a little late at work and stopped at Kroger to pick up a couple of things which made our arrival at home nearly perfect. As we came up the side street to our house we passed and saw several dump trucks full of tree debris. Not wanting to be disappointed we kept our expectations in check, but as we turned onto our street the road seemed a lot wider than it had been in about 6 weeks. They were cleaning our street. As we got closer to home it looked like they were right in front of our house. They were, but there was still an opening to our driveway, so I zipped in. Right after I parked a dump truck took up station blocking the street and a guy in a super-sized bobcat picked up the stuff in front our, and the house across the street’s, house.