I have spent the last couple of nights patching up posts and pages from the database hiccup. I’ve had to redo every one of the “Best Of” pages and about half of the other pages. As for posts, I’ve worked my way backwards through all of them back to July of this year. Most of times it is obvious that a post is messed up, the Miata Top Transitions will be missing from the top count at the bottom of a post or a blatant shorten story, but for thoroughness I’ve been checking every post.
The repair process goes like this, I find the post number and search for it inside a backup copy of the database. Once the line is located I copy it and paste into a word document. The header and footer code is stripped and every instance of /r/n is replaced with a paragraph mark. Then every ‘/ is replaced with just a ‘. For good measure I copy the results into notepad to convert any smart quotes into plain ones. The whole thing is then pasted into WordPress’s empty post editor box. That is how I really know the post/page is corrupt, it may display correctly on the web, but the post editor box is blank.
It is tedious, but for me right now, easier than writing a real post.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1285