On occasion at the Valve Store(tm) we do some modernization to or buy new equipment. The replaced stuff that is beyond our usefulness get discarded, recycled or offered up to employees to bid on once a quarter.
Right now we are in the middle of revamping and rearranging the entire assembly floor, so there is even more stuff that is unneeded. Now once a month they place the items in a spot somewhere in the plant, put an Avery label with a number on them and publish a list. The November bid list was chock full of about 50 items that I had zero interest in, but there were plenty of people who did, as only 2 items went unsold, a typewriter #6 and an overhead projector #45.
I can’t even remember when it was the last time anyone used an overhead projector for a meeting or presentation. And where did they dig up the typewriter? The young women in HR who creates the lists was so unfamiliar with the thing that she didn’t even know that typewriter is one word.