Why yes they do, but they are getting harder to find every day.
Yesterday one on the setup guys from the shop floor came in looking for something for his counterpart on third shift. Not too long ago everyone had some lying around in spite of the Valve Store’s(TM) network. In the last several years when a new PC was purchased here at the plant they didn’t even have a slot on the front for them anymore. If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m talking about a 1.44M 3-1/2″ floppy disk.
Of the nearly 30 CNC machines we have on the manufacturing floor, only the four HAAS Mini Mills are not connected to the wireless DNC system for transferring programs back and forth, they still rely on the sneakernet.
No one in the office had one laying around and while they used to always have a box in the office supply cabinet, there hasn’t been any in there in quite a while. We looked on line at a couple of office supply places and a search for “floppy disk” pulled up plenty of labels and mailers for such a thing, but it didn’t return any actual disks. We did find some for sale at Walmart and Best Buy, but they are not authorized suppliers for our company. Finally someone in purchasing found a supplier and they deliver. $6 for 50.
That reminds me, I have a bunch of those disks here at home and now that I have the new Inspron 620 sans floppy drive, no way to read them…
Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top TranĀsiĀtions since 10/24/08: 1114