But if I don’t post for more than 2 days I get angry letters…

The above picture is from last Sunday’s Georgia geocaching adventure and tonight after the MMC monthly meeting we walked a block over to find a newish cache and drop off the Travel Bug we grabbed near where that picture was taken, all we took from the cache was a plastic coin that looks a little like pirate treasure, which reminded me that last night I watched the middle two thirds of TDPM, commercials and all, on the ABC Family Channel and the day before, Tuesday, my manager told me he had seen the fourth installment, On Stranger Tides, over the weekend and it was the best of all the Pirates of the Caribbean flicks, but I can’t really trust his judgement because he is a New York Yankee fan and because the FRS have lost the last three games in a row after taking over first place in the American League East Division the MFY are now back in first by two games.
Started up, went down, back up, still up.
Miata Top Tran?si?tions since 10/24/08: 1025