While geocaching in Athens, GA, in search of crossing off Clarke County, we came up to an old abandoned railroad bridge, there sat a UGA student doing her French homework. She noticed my camera and offered to move, but I said, “Stay where you are, it’ll add to the photograph.”
My Fantasy Football Team is no longer undefeated. The Purple Whales scored a very tidy 110 points this weekend, but my opponent has scored a 148. My only hope for victory is he has the Baltimore Ravens defense, and if the New York Jets can score about 15 touchdowns in the second half of tonight’s game, it might bring that defense’s score to -12 and create a loss. Hey, they don’t call it Fantasy Football for nothing.
Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1070
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 1070
The Mighty Purple Whales are now fish sticks.
This weekend was like a brief encounter with a bit of fishing tackle, causing a small scar on my dorsal fin, making photo-identification possible for researchers. The real test of my Orca-ness will be this coming weekend against Team Gregory.