When Donna went to set the oven temp to make Oven Fries for dinner it just annoying beeped at her and displayed -F4-. I dug around in the draw that holds all the owner’s manuals (including some for things we no longer own) and picked the one for the Maytag electric range. The only mention of error codes was that if the display read F whatever, unplug the unit and call an authorized repair person. Now that kind of stern warning might have worked on a housewife in the 50’s, but I have the internet.
F4 means a shorted oven temperature sensor. Now all I need is the oven model number so I can order a new sensor. The owner’s manual, of course, covers several models, so it is no help. We check out the stickers on the door and sure enough they have numbers, but it turns out they are the part numbers for the sticker. We pull the oven out from the wall but there is no sticker on the back either. Because the easy way to pull out the hopefully bad sensor failed, I had to remove the back panel to get at the connector and I was hopeful to find something there, but no luck. Back to the net we go and on a forum that was the third or fourth place we looked we found a hint that led us to the units nameplate. Pulling out the pot and pan storage door reveals the holy grail, including a serial number in case it happens to be required.
Feeling lucky we drove over to Home Depot to pick up a lawn mower spark plug and an oven temperature sensor. We found a spark plug, but struck out on the sensor. Because Lowes is just down the street a mile or so we decided to turn over that stone too while we were out. Under the Lowes stone was the same as under the Home Depot stone, new ovens….
Miata Top Tran?si?tions since 10/24/08: 1035
I too was surprised with an F- error code on my stove a couple years back. I think it was temperature over-range. I ended up having to replace the main controller board. The sensor should be much cheaper.
The problem with the controller board was that the mechanical relay had welded itself shut so the oven would no longer turn off. It was like having the oven on broil even when it was off. I had to flip the breaker to get the thing to cool down.
While I have the mad skillz needed to replace the relay, I could not find one that matched the form factor used on the pcb…so I ended up replacing the entire controller board. Not cheap! I still have the old controller board in the attic. It still has two good relays on it.
Good luck