Gozque – Spanish for small yapping dog.
The Red Sox finally won a game. The starting pitcher for the FRS gave up 6 runs in 7 innings and lowered his ERA by nearly 10! As a bonus the 9 -6 win came against the dreaded Yankees.
We rode the tandem to work today and it was a great ride. It is Spring Break around here for the schools and it is amazing the amount of traffic that eliminates. During school time we see maybe a dozen cars, but today we were lucky if we saw 3.
My dabbling in Ubuntu Linux, will always be just that, just dabbling. Late last night I discovered that you cannot stream Netflix in Linux. Plus I should read my own posts…back last October when I loaded it on the laptop I realized that my most used Geocaching program doesn’t have a Linux version.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 990
For GSAK, you might try my own software OCM (http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencachemanage/), it’s a relatively new project so it’s not very well known except in Germany where I have a very enthusastic supporter who’s influential in the German geocaching community. There’s a package for Lucid (look in the files section), but it works in Maverick as well. If your running 64 bit, you’ll have to download the .deb and type “sudo dpkg – force-architecture-i opencachemanager_0.23.13-1_i386.deb “. If you want to try importing from you GSAK database, read this article on the wiki (http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/opencachemanage/index.php?title=Switching_to_OCM_from_GSAK)
Other stuff that might be useful:
QLandkarte GT ~ OziExplorer/Mapsource
GIMP ~ Photoshop
Inkscape ~ Adobe Illustrator
Netflix…. no real alternative except to install Virtual Box and run Windows XP as a guest.
Wow, thanks for the links. I tried out OCM. It has a different feel than GSAK, but I kind of like it. I haven’t dug too deeply, is there a GSAK equivalent to swapping databases without closing the program and re-opening it?
I have have been a PSP user ever since it’s early days as a shareware program and I ‘m entrenched in its ways. I tried GIMP (the Windows version) and it seemed like I would have to learn how to do things all over again. I think the only way I could do that would be to give up PSP cold turkey.
The Netflix issue will be moot soon anyway as our next home entertainment device will probably have it built in.
Thanks again – I’m off to find a graphical boot loader so my wife won’t freak when she turns on the laptop and gets greeted by the texty grub.
>I tried out OCM. It has a dif?fer?ent feel than GSAK, but I kind of like it. I haven?t dug too deeply, is there a GSAK equiv?a?lent to swap?ping data?bases with?out clos?ing the pro?gram and re-opening it?
Databases are handled as files, just go file->new database and create a new .ocm file with another name. You can also create bookmark lists within a database, i.e you can have a bookmark list for caches related to a particular CITO, another for puzzles your working on, etc.
Plugins (equivalent to macros) and truly customizable smart tags (there’s presets right now) aren’t in yet, this is coming for OCM 1.0.