For the past several years we have paid the Weather Channel online for a service called Weather Gold which removes all the ads from our weather page and allows us to view a more recently updated local radar image. I’m not sure how long it has been going on, but there is a small red colored temperature in the upper left hand corner of the page that never matches what our current temperature.
For the longest time it seemed like it was only a couple degrees off, but more recently the gap has gotten larger. The other day it was 64° here and the red number read 12°. Out of curiosity I placed the cursor over the number and it turned out it is a link. I clicked on it. I was taken to a weather page for Rochester, MN. If you reload the page it changes cities. I’ve tried it four times this evening and I have made a tour of the south, Saint Petersburg, FL, Charlottesville, VA, Charleston, SC and Montgomery, AL.
On Thursday, after several minutes of hunting and having to create a login I managed to write Customer Service :
The Weather Channel Interactive Support
Ticket Information:
Ticket #: 1409-3170291
Date Created: 3/3/2011 2:11 PM EDT
Issue Type:
Details: In the upper left hand corneer of my WeatherGold page there is a small temperature reading that is different from my home city’s temp. When clicking on it it takes you to the weather page of a random city. Why?
I’ll keep you posted…
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 963