I rarely speak of politics here, even around election time, but this year is an exception because I actually voted in a mid-term election. Usually only picking the Grand Poobah will make me leave my cave and high speed internet connection to mingle with the masses, but this year there was a local issue that I wanted to put my 2¢ into (literally.)
I had high hopes for being able to pick California as the state I wanted to retire in, but my hopes were quashed when the voters there defeated Prop. 19. Oh, well, there are 4 or 5 more elections between now and then. Also as a geocacher I was disappointed that the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco have banned giving away toys with “unhealthy meals.” Most of the cool schwag that I have found in ammo cans came from a kids meal at a fast food restaurant.
Closer to home South Carolina voted in its usual Republican manner and in doing so elected the state’s first woman Govenor (welcome to the 20th century SC) and defeated in the US Senate race, my favorite crackpot candidate, Alvin Greene. But the defeat was actually a victory of sorts, Alvin’s got a new job as a crackpot commentator on of all places, Fox News.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 879
I’m amazed that Greene got over 300k votes. What were these people thinking?
I did hear today that he has his own comic book. Which is appropriate.
There were probably votes from all of the 300,000 registered Democrats in the state.