We went for a nice walk in Hitchcock Woods this morning after a surprisingly uneventful breakfast at Dunkin’ Donuts. For most of the second half of the walk we could could hear the baying of dogs from the Aiken Hounds out for their weekly drag hunt. At one point they were so close that when a rider came around a corner ahead of us we jumped off the trail expecting a dozen dogs and a group of more riders, but it was just the one.
I took a few hand held bracketed shots while out on the trail and when I got home this evening I used the the built in High Dynamic Range function built into Paint Shop Pro to combine them. In the image above I forgot to hit the Align Images button and I kind of like the surreal quality it gave the scene. Click on the photo to see what it looks like when the HDR is done “properly.”
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 866