Mus Musculus Mortus
This one lasted nearly 4 months which is a darn sight better than the 6 week life span of its predecessor, but this evening the laptop’s Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 400 died. I’m guessing from the same malady that befell the first one back in April, it just quit working. The light was still functioning, but no amount of shaking or moving would get the cursor to follow suit and the button transceiver in the laptop’s USB post was quite hot to the touch.
It was the Emperor’s day off. Donna and I went for a 15 mile (actually 14.92) bike this morning. We threatened to drive to Walmart and buy a new mouse, but in the end we just stayed home and watched the last five episodes of Series 1 of New Street Law.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 830