While waiting on the meet up with the MMC for breakfast yesterday and the trip to Trenton to be in the Ridge Peach Festival Parade we thought we would snag a nearby cache. Because this was the only cache we were going to do that day we had brought just the GPSr and the old Pocket PC. Wouldn’t you know it the batteries were dead in the GPSr. Being to cheap to go to the nearby gas station and pay for some AAs we used our geosense and the clue from the notes on the iPAq to come up with the find.
This morning we headed over to North Augusta again with the express purpose of geocaching along the Greeneway again, so we brought the whole kit (including loads of fresh batteries.) I even turned on the GPSr before we left home. So wouldn’t you know it, when we got over to NA and started looking for caches the iPaq we use for notes wouldn’t turn on. An attempt at reboot was no help, sometime between yesterday and today its battery had run down! We attempted 4 caches by using just the ±20′ coords from the GPSr and our geosenses and came up with 2. Not bad, but not Jedi Master material yet.
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