Added a link in the Miata section called Miata Mondays. It is from a site called Cold Track Days and features a photo every Monday of a tricked out Miata.
Watching LOST last week, every time they showed Jack standing there in his dark blue t-shirt I couldn’t help but notice the resemblance to the protagonist in that video game Another World that I so loved, but couldn’t get to work back in December.
There are only 3 episodes and the two hour finale left of TDTVS and then it will be all over on Sunday, May 23 (why Sunday?) But that’s OK maybe they will make Saturday morning cartoon of the show.
You know how I spent a couple hours the other day ridding my work PC of ClearType after the Office 2007 install? Well guess what is running on the home laptop and hasn’t bothered me one bit?
House viewers must buy a lot of trucks or someone thinks they do because the big three have all run truck ads during tonight’s show.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 612