I have been using a Just One Club Card for years and it has kept my wallet slimmer. There were 5 stores on it, but recently we added a Staples Reward card to our repertoire, so I went and made up a new justoneclubcard.
Tonight shopping at Krogers I went to use my new card and the scanner wouldn’t read it (at the pharmacy nor at the checkout.) Now what? Like a bonehead I tossed out the old card before testing the new one. On top of that I have no idea where the original cards may be.
I did notice that when I print the card from the JOCC site it is a lot smaller than it was on my old card so I enlarged it by 120% to fill the card better. I was careful to use the pixel resize mode so that I wouldn’t get a blurry enlargement and I printed them out on the laser printer. Maybe I need to blow it up in nice round numbers? I wonder if 200 times will still fit on a wallet card?
On the way to work this morning the Emperor reached the 105,000 mile mark.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 572