T-minus 15 days and counting down. The publicity machine has been cranking out all sorts of LOST stuff. Thanks to the internet and TDTVS’s global appeal we can now see promos from not only the good ol’ USA, but Israel and Spain as well. This week we are getting cast interviews that reveal nothing to go along with always present spoilers and plot line guesses from the rabid fan base. Today’s big news was that Entertainment Weekly had a third “last supper” cast image and it needed over analyzing.
Last week we had speculation that ABC/Disney was not going to let this successful franchise just fade away, this story line with these characters will be over after Season 6, but perhaps they might do a prequel or alternative time line stuff exploring the Black Rock or maybe the whole ancient civilization/four toed statue. But a new image leaked from the basement of ABC headquarters might just give us a glimpse of that new direction:
It really is just a promotional still from something called LOST Untangled which is put on by ABC to “explain” what is going on with the show if you are just tuning in, but won’t that be kind of cool, Muppets on Dharma Island?
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 522