Can you say root canal?
I did not watch this evening’s episode of House. I will plan on downloading the torrent, so I can watch it in HD tomorrow. I understand tonight’s episode has something to do with a sick porn star and absolutely nothing to do with her having a root canal.
Same deal for Castle, don’t watch and download the torrent, their first suspect has airtight alibi, turns out he was having a root canal done at the time of the murder.
I need to buy a Nestle’s $100,000 Bar 100 Grand Candy Bar soon as the Emperor currently has 99,864 miles on the odometer. I’ll be careful to chew it up on only the right side as I wouldn’t want the soft, chewy caramel to pull out the temporary filling from my freshly root canaled tooth.
Modern dentistry is awesome, the hardest part of getting a root canal these days is holding your jaw wide open for 45 minutes straight, well maybe the second hardest after you see the bill.
Started up, went down, still down.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 476