We finished watching Disc 1 of Season 1 of Taxi last night and while we thoroughly enjoyed the show way back when and we enjoyed re-watching these 8 episodes, we decided to take the rest of the discs out of the queue. Sometimes you just can’t go home again.
Now that I don’t has the FRS to listen to anymore (well, at least for the 6 months) I’ve been watching some Netflix Instant Watch movies, finishing three of five in the last week. DNF’d were Sex Drive and Numb.
Finished (along with the movie note I sent to friends):
Brick – Mix an LA high school unrequited love story with a heavy dose of “The Big Sleep.” Then add a plot so thick with characters that when the movie ends you may not know what happened. Interesting watch.
Deadgirl – This isn’t for many people & I’m not so sure I’d even recommend it to anyone. Even with a central theme that is about as sick and twisted as can be, I found this a movie worth watching.
The Last Word – Boy meets girl, boy falls for girl, in spite of himself. Boy & girl break up. They don’t get back together. Quirky. Quiet. Dark. Contemplative. Oddly enjoyable.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 435
You might want to check out Dead Like Me. I watched it using netflix online recently. It was pretty good.
I added the first disc to my Watch It Now queue. I’ll try an episode and see if it is for me. If I like it I’ll try one on Donna….