Have I mentioned lately that my GPSr isn’t working? I thought so. We are approximately 4 days into the 12 to 15 working days before our repaired unit is scheduled to be returned to us.
Two working days into the process we knew we wouldn’t be able to make it that long. We bought a new Garmin eTrex Vista? HCx from Walmart online and had it shipped to us. The UPS man dropped it on the doorstep this afternoon.
This is a slightly upgraded unit compared to the one that is broken and in for repair. It has a micrSD slot so there can be a lot more stuff stored in the unit, like gigabytes worth instead of just 24 Meg. It has an electric compass, so when I stop befuddled in the middle of the woods while looking for a cache, the needle will still be pointing at the cache instead flopping around. It has a barometric altimeter, so I will know how high we are above sea level (which the Venture does too when the topo maps are used) or maybe when there is an approaching storm. It also has the ability to give point to point on road directions like a Tom Tom or similar, but we probably will never use that feature.
There are ammo cans shaking in there hiding spots just knowing we are back in the game again.
Miata Top Transitions since 10/24/08: 386